
Balloonflower - Rozanji-temple, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto [Outing]

I heard a balloon flower is blooming at Rozanji-temple, located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, so I went to see it.It’s a quite elegant dark violet flower. In this temple, there is a stone garden, and the whole place is alive with the flowering plants. The stone garden is off limits, so that the picture is fully zooming. I saw somebody is using a big zoom lens. I felt some surprise to find out that the balloon flower is designated as endangered species.

It is one of Japanese seven autumnal flowers, and is familiar among Japanese people, which is described in the Japanese ancient anthology of Myriad Leaves, - the campanulaceous perennial herbaceous plant. For your information, the Rozanji-temple is also located near to the east side of Kyoto Old Imperial Palace, the quiet place, and before building the temple, Lady Murasaki set make a new home after her marriage. It seems the famous “Tale of Genji” would be written at this place. If you are interested in, I recommend visiting here, in addition to these beautiful "Balloonflowers". (Thank you for coming back and read it again!)


[桔梗(ききょう) - 京都市上京区廬山寺(ろざんじ)]




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