
Balancing Between Working and Being Healthy [Diary]

At our destinations in the overseas country, a person also pointed out, saying “Your snore is troublesome!" I always stay in hotels by myself. However, the room was double in this time. So I was told. Of course, I have been aware of it. At a party, I was given advices such as “Your 30 % of sleeping is always lost!” or “You might be in the apnea syndrome!” Are the causes of it “Smoking”, “Predictor of Obesity” or “Fatigue”?

It has been a month since I spend one hour and fifty minutes for the commuting. The ratio of business practice is larger. I often spend the weekend holiday for the homework. So I was not able to switch between working and resting. Though I try to sleep as much as possible, caring for my physical and mental health, is it an extravagant worry? If I were much tired and shorter of sleep, it would be an adverse result. However, thanks to the people around me, the working life is filling.

The practicing for a work gives us a next target of working. I am new to the work place, and have to behave positively to be supportive for co-workers’ working. I was very blessed to have advices, introductions and understandings. I have to do not only the works I have give, but also to become a new force for around me, as a member of organization, including the improvement of private life and customs. I am now thinking like that in everyday life. How about you, everybody? What is your contrivance for the balancing between the working and the resting? (Thank you very much for reading!)




なれると次の課題が出るのがお仕事。気配りもし、新人らしく率先して行動しなくては。甘くはありません。周囲のサポートや指導、理解があることは、本当に感謝です。自分のことだけではなく、組織人として周囲の人の力となれるよう、私生活や習慣も含めて改善に努めたいと思う日々です。みなさんはいかがでしょうか? 仕事と休養のバランスにどのような工夫を、みなさんはされていますか?(ご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。)



nice!(11)  Comments (2) 

nice! 11

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by ぜろこ (2009-11-17 17:03) 


by Hide (2009-11-22 15:17) 

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