
Mt. Daikichi (Mt. Buttoku) - Circular Tour in Uji, Kyoto [Sports]

It was really a fine weather day. I will train my mind and body, and prepare to make a rhythm in my daily life. Today, I went trekking to Mt. Daikichi in Uji city in Kyoto Prefecture, - The word of "Daikichi" in Japanese means “Excellent Luck” in English, and another Japanese name is Mt. Buttoku, which means Budda's virtue in Japanese. The place name of “Uji” turns up in various scene in the Japanese history. An explanation says the name of “Uji” is from a story that an ancient prince, “Uji-no-waki-no-iratuko-no-mikoto”, built a palace here. By the way, the word of “Uji” in his name means “Rabbit” in Japanese. A legend explains a rabbit, - "Uji" in old Japanese word - , introduced him to a true route for here, looking back his steps, when the prince was losing his way from Kawachi - now called as Osaka. It seems there are several explanations for the name of place. For your informatio, there is a negative meaning of “Uji” in Japanese. However it is not such a nuance. The walking gives us a pleasure discovery, doesn’t it?



This is a picture of Mt. Daikichi which is seen from one of the oldest bridge in Japan, Uji Bridge. Today’s peak is there.



Uji is famous for the stage of the last ten chapter of “The Tale of Genji”, called as “Uji Ten Chapters”. The Tale of Genji Museum is also a popular spot.



The origin of Ujigami Shrine is very old. As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, the building enshrines the sun of Emperor Ohjin. He learned from Dr. Wani who came from abroad country, and introduced Chinese characters, Confucianism and so on into Japan, and reached the summit. So, it seems that the shrine is deified as God of Study and Examination. Around here, the air is very fresh and ceremonious. The shrine and the surroundings are registered to the world heritage. When I visited here, the shrine was crowded with a wedding ceremony and a festival for children aged seven, five and three.



From the western side of peak of Mt. Daikichi, I could command a panoramic view of the southern part of Kyoto such as Uji city. In the center of picture, there is Phoenix Hall of Byōdō-in Buddhist temple. The height of mountain is 131.5 meter above the sea level. Looking up into space made me find a hawk or an eagle, - I guess so -, and it was making a circular flight with updrafts riding. I could hear it is screaming like, “Pyu-rurururu”. It seems there are abundant baits around here. I heard that we can see a scene that it is pouncing, and then hunting a “Crested Kingfisher” which is trying to catch a fish in Uji River.



Uji River flows out from Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. On the upstream site of river, there is a dam to stop the water from Lake Biwa, and control the quantity of water. Once or twice in a year, the dam discharges the water. In the time, I heard the volume of water closes the road for the sandbank of Uji. The river was stages such as for The Tale of Genji and Taira-Minamoto War in the history. After crossing the suspension bridge in Amagase, and then walking down along the river made me find many anglers. It heard here is cool in summer, and then in the winter, the hills beside the river are clothed in their garbs of snow. As for the autumnal leaves, though it is in a short period, it seems it is so beautiful.



I often saw the signage, “BE WARNED A WOMAN ON HER OWN IS IN DANGER”. On the other hands, I saw many kimono-wearing beauties. Above-mentioned The Tale of Genji is the oldest romance story so that the romance might invite their attractions. The picture is Phoenix Hall of Byōdō-in Buddhist temple. Japanese Fujiwara clan in heian period, - From A.D. 794 to A.D. 1192 - , built it in their prime. It was built in faith of the Western Paradise in those days. The motif of Phoenix Hall is adopted into the design of front surface of Japanese 10 yen coin. This is also one of the world heritage.



On the shopping street in Uji, there are rows of Uji tea shops on both sides. The fragrance of Japanese tea attracts customers. A cup of Uji Green Tea was at JPY 50. I was thirsty so that it was very good. The walking was total 9 kilometer. It was a good exercise. I recommend you to visit here, the very scenic place, Uji City.

The Tale of Genji Museum

Kintetsu Railways provides a series of walking maps, called as “Teku Teku Map” - This is “Circular Tour Course in Uji” (Total 9 Kilometer)

<大吉山(仏徳山) - 宇治回遊>

お天気の非常に良い日でした。心身を鍛え、生活のリズムを整えます。今日は、京都府宇治市の「大吉山(仏徳山)」にトレッキングにいってきました。日本の歴史の様々な場面に登場する宇治。一説によると、その名は、菟道稚郎子命(うじ の わき の いらつこ の みこと)が宮殿を構えたことから付いたといわれます。ところで「菟(うじ)」は「ウサギ」を意味します。この皇子が河内(今の大阪)からこの地に向かう途中、道に迷ってしまい、「ウサギ」が振り返りながら正しい道へと導いたという話からきたというものです。地名の由来には諸説あるようですが、ちなみに日本人が抱くほど、ネガティブな語感ではないようです。歩いてみるといろいろと発見があるものですね。
















近鉄が提供する「てくてくまっぷ」 - 宇治回遊コース(約9km)


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by 桔梗 (2009-10-05 22:36) 


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