
Large Settlement of Yayoi Period - Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yajoi Culture [Outing]

“After the conveyance of technology such as the rice growing from Eurasia continent, people in Japanese islands began to cultivate the rice, changed the structure of society and made own life better. In due course, people broke out the war over the rice, the iron, the land and the water. 'Villages' are united, and formed into 'Nations', and then it gave birth to 'King'. In the course of time, the serious disturbance broke out in Japan. Cartels publically elected the queen, 'Himiko'. Then the disturbance was quelled.” ... This museum explains the historical flow and the people’s life scene from the Jomon period, - the pre-ceramic period to about B.C. third century -, to the Yayoi period, - about 200 B.C. to A.D. 200 - , with exhibitions.



It was very fine day. Here is the main gate of Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yajoi Culture. Today I went for a change. It was very pleasure for me to learn the historical flow with exhibitions, from the Jomon period to the Yayoi period. I have been fascinated in the ancient history since the time I dug up “Ancient Shell Heap” in childhood.


[Fig. 2]

Visitors can know the life scene of those days by the unearthed living ware. By the way, recently, the Makimuku ancient site, - maybe in three century - , attracted the attention of people, because “Himiko” might really be being just around there. Actually, there is an ancient tomb that might be Himiko’s. From about third century, the ancient burial mound, - like a 'keyhole-shaped or womb-shaped' tumulus - , began to spread all over Japan. It seems various peoples are explaining their theories about the relationship between “Kingdom of Yamatai” that Himiko was the queen, and “Dominant Yamato Polity”.



This is the Osaka’s satellite photograph in the Yayoi period. Though this would be a reproduction photograph, it is well-designed. We can see there were big lakes or marshes in Higashi Osaka - Eastern Osaka. Before that, it seems it was an arm of the sea which connects to the Osaka Bay in the former Jomon period. There was a peninsula - now in uehonmachi-roku-chome on the tableland. After "Reformation of Taika" in A.D. 645, the capital of Japan was placed, called as “Naniwa Kyu”, on this peninsula - now in Tanimachi-yon-chome. It seems there was a water way that connects between the bay and big lakes - now under or around Osaka Castle. Now, OSAKA is the moated city. However it seems it was made in the by far descendant period. Osaka, - including Sakai - , has developed the moat by using the water facility, not in recent days, but since early times. It might be a geographical factor in it.



This is the restored large building in Ikegami-Sone ancient site. A part of large settlement, a moated settlement in Yayoi period, was restored. People was living here from the third to the first century B.C. It is good for you to see this site and the adjacent museum at the same time. You will think of what kind of life here was. I recommend you to visit here once, if you are interested in.

Web Site of Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture (Only Japanese)


How To Get There
Walk five minutes from Shinoda-yama Station on JR Hanwa Lines
Otherwise, walk twenty minutes from Matsuno-hama Station on Nankai Lines

Public Explanation on Archaeological Site - Makimuku, Sakurai in Nara

<弥生時代の大集落 - 大阪府立弥生文化博物館>

「大陸方面から米つくりなどの技術が伝わり稲作が始まったことで社会の仕組みが変わり、人々の暮らしがよくなました。そのうち米・鉄・土地・水をめぐり戦いがおこりました。「ムラ」がまとまり「クニ」が成立し「王」が誕生しました。やがて日本に大乱がおこり、女王「卑弥呼」が共立され、争いがおさまりした。」... ここでは縄文から弥生時代への流れや生活の様子が展示物とともに語られます。 










南海本線 松ノ浜 徒歩20分
JR阪和線 信太山 徒歩5分


発掘遺跡説明会 - 纏向遺跡 (奈良県桜井市)


斑鳩の空 – 変化への視座

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